Monday, July 14, 2008

So after three hours of debating on what to do next, the lazy kids had eight ideas.
After only six were deemed reasonable, two people took leader roles and headed the
discussions of entertainment.
"We could keep listening to 99 Red Balloons, or we could actually do something with the
daylight we have left."
"Yeah, but we seem to have zero motivation."
"True, but if we start small by, let's say, by narrowing down our options to five to start, then we might get somewhere."
"It wouldn't matter if we had nine ideas again, there is still zero chance of us all agreeing on something to do today."
"Whatever dude, if you wanna just sit here all day you go right ahead!"

And that's where the conversation ended. They all sat around with the same song playing on loop.

They're the future leaders of our world.
They hold the keys to the future of our sport.
And they don't even know it yet.

What is the term for this generation of up-and-comers?

Keep it to yourself.
Make the call, at the time, on the day, with the answer.
Win the main.

Monday, July 7, 2008

So these seven kids I know went out the other night.
They’re just twenty-one year olds, having a good time.
After a while they decided it would be fun to count as
a group to two-thousand and eight.
They didn’t make it very far and they all wound up waking up
the next day at 12PM, EST.
Crazy kids…